Tag Archives: spring

Spring Has Sprung

One of the things Hanna has most enjoyed about being in Europe is experiencing another season. We have been in hot weather since last August. Yes, many of you are jealous…but hot weather gets old after a while. We like our four seasons. We rolled into Europe at the end of March and definitely experienced some cold weather, especially in Turkey. As time has gone by, the weather has warmed up, and flowers have been blooming. Prague and Munich are both full of lilacs. Hanna absolutely loves lilacs as they remind her of home, and she has been stopping to get a whiff a lot.

Pretty Flowers.

On the flip side of this, Mike has been tortured by the new season. His allergies have been killing him, and he has been wearing his $12 Baby Geniuses glasses for the last month.

We never knew we were missing seasons so much. Summer will soon be here, and shortly we will be back in our hot apartment. You know that air conditioning doesn’t go on until we get jobs…or unless it hits triple digits. We did Thailand without air conditioning; we can certainly do New York City.