
One thing we enjoyed about Phuket last trip was Quiz Night at the Irish pub in the mall by us. We even got second place and won 1,000 baht the second time we played, so we felt that the gods were with us for our rematch.

As we walked into a bookstore in order to peruse magazines from home, we spotted the headline on The Phuket News:

RIP DJ Doris.

RIP DJ Doris.

We looked at each other and thought the name sounded familiar. Mike then realized that this guy was the quizmaster at the Quiz Nights we attended back in 2010, and he was recently killed in a motorbike accident. Sad.

We soldiered on and proceeded to the pub that night. Quiz Night started at 8pm, and we didn’t realize the “buy one, get one free” drink specials began then too. We got there about 25 minutes early and were hounded by the bar staff to order something. Hanna finally ordered fries. When the clock struck 8, Mike ordered something he had never heard of: a Harvey Wallbanger (vodka, orange juice, and Galliano). Hanna made fun of Mike for ordering a girly drink, but it was quite delicious because it tasted like an Orange Julius. It also came in a glass that looked like a naked woman. No, we don’t have a good picture of it. Sorry.

Quiz Night was five rounds of ten questions each: Potluck, Thai Provinces, Art & Literature, Fashion, and Same Names. You could pick a round that you would receive double points on all correct answers. We battled between Art & Literature (Mike) and Fashion (Hanna). The woman finally won as she pointed out that most of the teams were crusty old men.

Potluck was harder than expected, and clearly we kicked ass at Thai provinces. The young British quizmaster pointed out to us that most of the old British guys had Thai girlfriends at home, yet they didn’t do too well on Thai provinces. Made us laugh. We got nine out of ten questions right on Art & Literature but only five out of ten questions right on Fashion. See, you should always trust Mike’s judgment.

Before the final round, the scores were updated. We were second out of six teams. There was hope. Sad to say, but most people used their double points on the last round. We ended up in fourth place. Whomp whomp…

8 responses to “Quizzers

  1. I believe drinks such as a Harvey Wallbanger are known as “dolphin” drinks.

  2. It’s been eons since I heard “Harvey Wallbanger!” That’s almost as old as High Ball! Grandma Rose and Grandpa Mike would have had those.

  3. Heard this third-hand but apparently girls who order fruity drinks laugh like dolphins after ordering them. I guess it’s a joke best told in person.

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