Pet Markets

We’ve been lazy in Hong Kong. We sleep in, go out for a bit, nap, and then go out again. We have a TV in our room (complete with two English-language channels), so it’s been kinda nice being able to relax. Hey, we don’t wanna burn out…

While Hanna rested yesterday, Mike explored some of the city. He stumbled across Goldfish Market, a street that sells not only goldfish but rabbits, dogs, cats, lizards, and turtles as well:

Pet Stores Lined Both Sides of the Street.

Little Guys.



Both of Us Love Cats. A Lot.

Interspersed with the pet stores are restaurants that sell….fish, chicken, and mystery meat. No, Mike didn’t eat anything.

He also wandered over to the Bird Market and wasn’t too impressed. He expected chaos: birds flying everywhere, overpowering chirping, and vendors hawking their wares. Instead it felt like an enclosed garden with birds in hanging cages who chirped occasionally:

The Parrot at the Top Sang Along to His Owner’s Rendition of “London Bridge.”


Looks Cooler Than It Actually Was.

7 responses to “Pet Markets

  1. kitty!
    Thank you, in advance, for showing me what my souvenier is.

  2. I bet Hanna was glad she didn’t go on this outing. I know how much she loves animals and all…especially cats!

  3. Kristin Palmason

    liar! I know Hanna doesnt love cats. 🙂

  4. I WANT that puppy!!!!

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